How to Have the Most Fun With Your Family During a Beach Photo Session

Beach photo sessions with your family are obviously one of the biggest times that you need to be super serious and definitely not have any fun… right? Absolutely not!! You are not going to bring your whole family down to the beach- just to expect them all to behave perfectly and have all their ducks in a row. That's not what the beach is for! The wind, the waves, and all that sand are for having such a fun and playful time with your family while surrounded by some of the most beautiful scenes nature has to offer. We’re here for a good time!

So how can we make your beach photo session a good time? With years of beach photoshoots under my belt, here are some of my suggestions for how to make your family photo shoot just a little bit more fun.

Be ready to adapt to *your* family!

My biggest suggestion is to make sure to adapt to your family! Bring a blanket to sit down on the sand, bring pants that you don't mind sitting on the rocks with, or feel free to let your kids play in the water. Whatever you know your family is going to want to do, be prepared to let them do it!

We can totally have a picnic at the beach, or throw a frisbee around, or play tag. Your photos can be as still and serene or as wild and lively as your family is! And that's the whole fun of it! So bring the towels, ditch the shoes, and let your family be exactly what it is during our beach photoshoot.

Don’t be afraid to get a little dirty!

And since we're at the beach, come ready to get a little dirty! Don't wear super fancy things that you're afraid of getting wet, sandy, or much of anything else. Half the fun of the beach is the sand in the water, so wear things that are ready for that.

Do make sure to bring a change of clothes and some towels though, so fun times in the waves don't quickly become sad times with cold and wet toddlers. If you're reaching for a dress that you don't want her to sit in the sand with, maybe pick something else!

Don't be afraid to get dirty yourself too! Come ready to also run in the sand or throw your kids into the ocean waves. They're not the only ones that should come ready to be a little playful.

Bring your pets!

Another great idea to make your beach shoots a little more fun is to bring your pets! We're outside, so might as well make the best of it. If you have dogs that you know would love the water, bring them along! We do need to check on the local dog laws as it varies by town but there are several dog friendly beaches down the shore, even easier to plan if you are willing to schedule your shoot for the off-season!

Walking them, playing with them, and seeing them go wild by the ocean might just be the perfect thing to make your photos feel fully like your family. Remember to bring a leash for them, but adding pets can be a great way to help your kids feel just that much more comfortable and everybody to have just that much more fun.

Get in the water!

We can go as shallow as your toes or as deep as your waist, but getting in the water during a beach photoshoot is some of the most fun and playful shots we can get! Some of the best photos I've ever taken have been when families just jump in the water, have some fun, and let themselves be fully themselves. Even if you just want to go by the edge of the water, embrace the waves!

Not only do the waves make for gorgeous photos, they can create some of the brightest and biggest expressions on your kids' faces and make for some of the best surprise moments.

Let your kids play!

Really this is the big one! Play tag, go for a run, race each other to the rocks, count rocks, collect seashells, tell silly jokes, or splash each other a little bit. Even with a big family or older kids, these can be such fun, easy activities to get everybody’s inner kid out and let those smiles be really genuine and full. We’re not just here to take photos but make memories too- so lean into that!

Especially with littles, just let them play! We’ll take the more serious, stay-where-you-are photos at the beginning if you want them, and then just dive in and let their curiosity wander at the beach. Whatever they’re drawn to is what’s beautiful right now, and those moments will help us capture who they really are right now and what your family is actually really like.

And talk about it as a family if you want! Plan some fun activities or ask them what sounds fun at the beach, and bring the items or attitude you need for that.

The beach is all about joy- whether it’s your hometown or your favorite vacation spot, so let’s savor that! Don’t bring the stuffy or serious anything to the ocean, because we’re here to create memories, have an amazing time, and have some super serious fun during our beach photoshoot.